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Examination Regulation
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Examination registration procedure
Oral, written and complex examinations
Final Cancellation / Withdrawal
A Description of Examination Tasks
Calculating the Results
Information on the listening comprehension and written examination components
Information about the Oral Examination
Review and Handling of Complaints

Calculating the Results – monolingual exam: business communication

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An examination is successful if the sum of the scores obtained for individual tasks reaches 60% of the maximum total score, and the (total) score for the tasks pertaining to individual skills reaches the 40% minimum threshold.

In case of registration for a complex type examination, should the complex type examination be unsuccessful, but if the total score on the examination parts pertaining to the oral or written type of examination reaches the pass level, and the scores by skills reach the minimal 40% score value, an oral or written type certificate may be issued.

Each part of examination types consisting of several examination components should be taken in one examination period. Ordinarily, taking individual examination parts cannot be transferred to another examination period.

B1 (Basic level) examination

Oral examination

Name of task Max. raw score Maximum score 40% minimum threshold Pass from 60%
1. interview 20 points 60 points 24 points
(each subtest >0)
from 60 points
2. document presentation 20 points
3. business rope-play 20 points
4. listening comprehension 20 points 40 points 16 points

Written examination

Name of task Max. raw score Maximum score 40% minimum threshold Pass from 60%
1. reading comprehension 20 points 40 points 16 points from 48 points
2. writing 40 points 40 points 16 points

Complex examination

Name of task Max. raw score Maximum score 40% minimum threshold Pass from 60%
1. interview 20 points 60 points 24 points
(each subtest >0)
from 108 points
2. document presentation 20 points
3. business rope-play 20 points
4. listening comprehension 20 points 40 points 16 points
5. reading comprehension 20 points 40 points 16 points
6. writing 40 points 40 points 16 points


B2 (Intermediate level) examination

Oral examination

Name of task Max. raw score Maximum score 40% minimum threshold Pass from 60%
1. interview 20 points 60 points 24 points
(each subtest >0)
from 60 points
2. document presentation 20 points
3. business rope-play 20 points
4. listening comprehension 20 points 40 points 16 points

Written examination

Name of task Max. raw score Maximum score 40% minimum threshold Pass from 60%
1. reading comprehension 20 points 40 points 16 points from 48 points
2. writing 40 points 40 points 16 points

Complex examination

Name of task Max. raw score Maximum score 40% minimum threshold Pass from 60%
1. interview 20 points 60 points 24 points
(each subtest >0)
from 108 points
2. document presentation 20 points
3. business rope-play 20 points
4. listening comprehension 20 points 40 points 16 points
5. reading comprehension 20 points 40 points 16 points
6. writing 40 points 40 points 16 points


C1 (Advanced level) examination

Oral examination

Name of task Max. raw score Maximum score 40% minimum threshold Pass from 60%
1. interview 20 points 60 points 24 points
(each subtest >0)
from 60 points
2. document presentation 20 points
3. business rope-play 20 points
4. listening comprehension 20 points 40 points 16 points

Written examination

Name of task Max. raw score Maximum score 40% minimum threshold Pass from 60%
1. reading comprehension 20 points 40 points 16 points from 48 points
2. writing 40 points 40 points 16 points

Complex examination

Name of task Max. raw score Maximum score 40% minimum threshold Pass from 60%
1. interview 20 points 60 points 24 points
(each subtest >0)
from 108 points
2. document presentation 20 points
3. business rope-play 20 points
4. listening comprehension 20 points 40 points 16 points
5. reading comprehension 20 points 40 points 16 points
6. writing 40 points 40 points 16 points

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of the Budapest Business School
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